We all probably had at least one friend who attempted to reinvent themselves after high-school in a way that was so not them that it just made you feel pity. You know what I’m talking about. Like the goody-goody who tried so hard to change their squeaky clean reputation, but would clearly never be a badass cool kid, no matter how many times they told you that they got “sooooo drunk” last weekend.
That’s what this ad reminds me of.
Somehow, North Dakota has managed to create a tourism ad that is simultaneously offensively sleazy and desperately uncool. It’s trying to make a wink-wink, “women are objects” lad mag joke. But it looks like your really dorky, incredibly square uncle’s idea of a wink-wink, “women are objects” lad mag joke.
It’s sleaze as designed by people who have no idea what sleaze is supposed to look like. They’ve just heard about it third-hand from someone who went to Vegas once.