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Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: "State of the World 2012"

 Wp-Content Uploads 2009 02 Brucesterling2

 Wp Wp-Content Uploads 2011 08 Jon Lebkowsky-001

Old-school bOING bOING contributors Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky posted their annual State of the World discussion on the good ol’ Whole Earth ‘Lectronic Link. Sidle up for some fine brain tennis. Jon says:

The reality we’re in today is reflected in responses I got when I asked my online social network what they thought we would cover (in this State of the World discussion). They suggested a diverse list: climate change, Arab spring and social media-driven political upheaval, courage, “1984,” Fahrenheit 451, the future of Occupy, global economics, underground economies, cyberwar, favela chic, dead media, the future of the Internet in light of pending legislation (SOPA etc.) and emerging alternative networks, space wars, and private drone fleets (for tactical protest command, celebrity capture, and industrial intelligence).

Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2012

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