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Mineways: turn Minecraft creations into 3D prints

Mineways is a tool that converts your Minecraft creations into 3D files that can be sent to the 3D printing bureau Shapeways, who will print them out in color plastic and send them to you. The tool itself is free/open and there’s C/C++ source for you to download.

There are already over 1900 Minecraft tagged items on show, for sale or download in the Shapeways gallery and we are expecting to see many, many more as the game engine, makes 3D modelling fun and accessible to thousands of people. Minecraft and Mineways may end up being a great stepping stone to 3DTin which has a comparable base architecture or Tinkercad which may also be intuitive to those who enter 3D modelling via Minecraft.

Mineways : 3D Print Your Minecraft Model

(Image: Designing Christmas Decoration in Minecraft, a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (2.0) image from postapocalyptic’s photostream)

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