Boing Boing Staging

Boing Boing Recap: SOPA and Funky North Korea

I’m trying something new here at Boing Boing. We post lots of great videos here, but I know we don’t all have time to watch them, or read the articles around them.

So here’s the deal: I’ll make a YouTube playlist of the best ones from the day, give the videos a little intro so you know what’s up, maybe crack a joke here and there, and you can watch them all in a row. Then you can scroll down and check out the articles around the cool videos if you want to know more.

Don’t like a video? Skip it. There’s a button right there when you hover over the controls.

Cool? Cool.

[Video Link]

HOWTO make a 3D printed, Jingle-Bells-singing, robotic T.Rex skull
North Korean party rock anthem
Homemade anti-SOPA PSAs
An easier-to-build solar cell
Crowdsourced anti-SOPA rap
Monkey washes dishes

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