"The Medium is the Massage" 1967 album reissued on CD

 Djfood Wp-Content Uploads 2011 11 Mcl-Contents-636X384

The Medium is the Massage Part 1 - Marshall McLuhan, Quentin Fiore & Jerome Agel 1967

Five Day Weekend has reissued "The Medium is the Massage" LP (1967), the experimental audio recording based on media theorist Marshall McLuhan's groundbreaking book of the same name that was designed by Quentin Fiore and coordinated by Jerome Agel. The reissue of this rare LP includes new essays, artwork by BB pal Winston Smith, and unpublished photos of the recording sessions, produced by John Simon. You can listen to Part I of the original LP above. The CD is available in the US from Forced Exposure. "The Medium is the Massage with Marshall McLuhan"