Boing Boing Staging

TMD-injured voice-actor can only articulate after taking Ambien, seeks medical help

Jeffrey sez, “Tom Rohe is a professional voice actor. He had a tooth extracted in 2009 and was then diagnosed with TMD, which left him unable to speak properly, and therefore unable work.

Curiously, when he takes Ambien, his speech returns. Tom made this video (and another one) to try and get some help. He’s not looking for a handout, he’s looking for a referral to a specialist.

At the very least, this is one of the WEIRDEST things…”

It is absolutely bizarre — it’s hard to believe that the same guy is speaking before and after. I can only imagine that if this was my mouth (and livelihood), I’d be out of my mind trying to find someone who could figure out what the hell was going on.

Thomas Rohe Ambien Effect BEFORE & AFTER

(Thanks, Jeffrey!)

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