Boing Boing Staging

Gweek 029: A grab bag of games, apps, books, and sex-farce comics we love


Boing Boing’s Rob, Maggie, and Mark, and cartoonist Ruben Bolling gabbed excitedly for over an hour about books, games, TV shows, writing implements, comic books, and more!

• Maggie talks about her book, Before the Lights Go Out: Conquering the Energy Crisis Before It Conquers Us, which comes out from Wiley & Sons on April 10.

• Rob talks about how great Skyrim is, and why that makes its big flaws stand out even more.

• Ruben and Mark agree that The Hobbit is wonderful and The Lord of the Rings is boring. They can hardly wait for the abusive comments they’ll receive in the comments.

• Maggie recommends Oglaf the “extremely well-done sex farce comic set in a stereotypical fantasy world.”

• Mark reviews the upcoming movie John Carter based solely on the trailer. Ruben and Mark agree that A Princess of Mars is a very good novel.

• Mark recounts a personal story involving Edgar Rice Burroughs and his biography.

• Maggie reveals a spoiler from the first season of The Walking Dead, but for a very good reason.

• Ruben recommends the Spider-Man Marvel Masterworks Vols. 12 and 13 (1972-1973) anthologies, which feature Spider-Man in his heyday, as “written” by Stan Lee and drawn by John Romita.

• Maggie talks about a Carl Zimmer’s Science Ink — a coffee table photo book of awesome science-themed tattoos.

• Maggie discusses The Third Industrial Revolution, by Jeremy Rifkin — “a book about the future of energy where I totally agree with the big-picture points and disagree with the details,” she says. “It’s also reminding me of why I get twitchy around ‘true believers.'”

• Gweek listener Barry Barker recommend’s Fisher Space Pens’ Bullet models.

• Maggie tells Ruben how much she loved Ruben’s comic about Ulysses, which she read when she was 17. (It should be on the front page of Ruben’s site by the time you read this).

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