The Cave Singers: "Black Leaf" (MP3)

CavesingersSound It Out #6

The Cave SingersNo Witch was probably my favorite record of 2011. It really epitomized the sludge of wintertime when it came out in January and it has managed to reflect moods and seasons throughout the year. It’s rare to hear a collection of songs that deepen over time like this one. I expect that it will continue to age well for years to come.

The Cave singers have released three records and “Black Leaf” is the rockingest song on any of them. Derek Fudesco’s guitar playing is a miracle of efficiency – he simultaneously plays rhythm and lead parts to create a hypnotic counterpoint to Pete Quirk’s howl.

The Cave Singers are a three piece band from Seattle that don’t sound like anyone else. I can tell you that players come from garage and art punk bands like Murder City Devils, Pretty Girls Make Graves and Hint Hint, but that won’t prepare you for the hootenanny vibe they put out. It’s not unusual to see all of their eyes rolling back in their heads when they play “Black Leaf” live – Pete looks like a possessed garden gnome, often gesturing wildly as if he’s carrying on a conversation with the crowd, Derek’s NBA-sized frame belies the grace and tenderness he puts into his playing and drummer Marty Lund makes it all look easy when it clearly isn’t.

Download an MP3 of The Cave Singers' "Black Leaf"

BONUS! Have you seen the web TV show Breakfast at Sulimay’s? Check out their review of the Cave Singers’ “Swim Club” to see how music reviews should be done.