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Occupier/Army Ranger in ICU: Oakland PD "jumped me"

Kayvan Sabeghi, a veteran of the US Army Rangers, is in the ICU at Oakland’s Highland General Hospital after a clash with Oakland PD during the Occupy Oakland protests. Sabeghi claims he was “jumped” by OPD officers who severely beat him and subsequently denied him medical treatment.

The group Iraq Veterans Against the War said Sabeghi was detained during disturbances that erupted late on Wednesday in downtown Oakland and was charged with resisting arrest and remaining present at the place of a riot…

“He told me he was in the hospital with a lacerated spleen and that the cops had jumped him,” Kelly said. “They put him in jail, and he told them he was injured, and they denied him medical treatment for about 18 hours…”

The veterans group said in a statement that police struck Sabeghi with nightsticks on his hands, shoulders, ribs and back, and that in addition to a lacerated spleen he suffered from internal bleeding.

Army veteran injured in Oakland clashes with police

(via Reddit)

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