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Lego porn

[Video Link] So, yeah, porn. Rule 34 tells us that if you can imagine it, someone has made porn out of it. Lego minifigs have been forced to hump one another by 8-year-old boys since day one, but with the wonders of the internet, these lewd fantasies have been turned into videos, web sites, and photos.

Take the video (above) uploaded by YouTube user stickmeintheeye. Or Jonah Ray’s Lego Porn photoset on Flickr. There have been some odd ones, like the infamous porn series by an artist named Drew, featuring not-so-mini minifigs, if you know what I mean. Or consider the satirical and sadly defunct Lego Friend Finder dating site. Finally, this BDSM Lego model has been floating around the internet for some time.

And I’m spent. Time for a Lego unicorn chaser!

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