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Ada Lovelace Day is coming, women and tech events in London

Suw sez, “Ada Lovelace Day, the yearly celebration of women in science, tech, engineering and maths, is on 7 October this year. I’m excited to say that we’ve teamed up with BCSWomen to put on two really awesome events in London:”

Ada Lovelace Day Android Extravaganza, Friday 7 October 2011:
This one-day Android development workshop will introduce AppInventor and the basics of mobile development. It’ll be fun and interactive — no programming experience necessary. Bring your own laptop and an Android phone if you have one. Tea and coffee will be provided, but not lunch so either bring a packed lunch or be prepared to pop out for a sandwich.

Ada Lovelace Day Live! Friday 7 October 2011:
Join Helen Arney, Maggie Philbin, Gia Milinovich, Dr Sue Black, Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock, and a host of women from science and tech for an entertaining evening of geekery, comedy and song on Ada Lovelace Day. Drinks and nibbles provided.

Ada Lovelace Day

(Thanks, Suw!)

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