Boing Boing Staging

Cory at the Edinburgh Festival tonight, Reno WorldCon this week

I’m about to fly to Edinburgh for a gig at the Edinburgh Festival, tonight at 8:30PM. There are still a few tickets left.

From there, I’m headed straight to Renovation, the World Science Fiction Convention in Reno, where I’ll be doing a ton of stuff:

Wednesday, August 17
11.00-11.45am – Author in the Library, Sierra View Library (off site), 4001 S. Virginia St, located in the Reno Town Mall across the street from the Reno Sparks Convention Center — reading, autographing, and Q and A with library community, host: Christine Johnson

2.00-3.00pm – Reading, Reno Sparks Convention Center room A05

Thursday, August 18
8.55-10.00am – Stroll with the Stars, (off site) meet at Stroll Meeting Spot (Walgreen’s parking lot, 3495 S Virginia St, about 5 minute walk north of Atlantis), will stroll down to Reno Sparks Convention Center, with Stu Segal, Bill Willingham, Julie Bell, Boris Vallejo, Lawrence M. Schoen, Lauren Beukes, and Ellen Datlow

11.00am-12.00pm – The Psychogeography of Ideals panel, Convention Center room A04, with Renee Sieber, David Cake, and Ian McDonald

4.00-5.00pm – Futuristic Fashion and Wearable Art panel, Convention Center room D05, with Lauren Beukes and Gail Carriger

Friday, August 19
11.00am-12.00pm – Social Media for Writers panel, Convention Center room A03, with Tee Morris, Tom Negrino, Rose Fox, and Brenda Cooper

3.00pm – Future Media signing, Tachyon Publications table in the Dealers Room

5.00-6.00pm – The Future of Cities panel, Convention Center room A01 +6, with Ian McDonald, Gary Ehrlich, Lauren Beukes, and Kim Stanley Robinson

Saturday, August 20
11.00am-12.00pm – Autographing, Hall 2 Autographs (Convention Center)

1.00-2.00pm – KaffeeKlatsch, KK1 (Convention Center)

Sunday, August 21
1.00-2.00pm – Computer War and Cyber Forensics: Stuxnet – Cyberwar and Cyber Terrorism? panel, Convention Center room A03, with Brad Templeton, David Cake, Howard Davidson, and Helen Umberger

Hope to see you there!

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