Boing Boing Staging

Secret anti-racist shirts covertly distributed to neo-Nazis

Anti-racist activists snuck trick t-shirts into a music festival with a large neo-Nazi turnout; the shirts bore a crypto-racist slogan that faded on first washing to reveal a plea to reconsider “militant right-wing lifestyle.”

The shirts, which bore a skull and crossbones symbol and the word ‘Hardcore Rebels,’ faded upon washing to reveal a hidden message: “What happened to your shirt can happen to you. We can help you break with right-wing extremism.”

The T-shirts were the work of Exit Deutschland, a group that helps young people transition out of militant right-wing lifestyles.

“With these T-shirts we wanted to make ourselves known among right-wingers, especially amongst young ones who are not yet fully committed to the extreme right,” said Exit founder Bernd Wagner.

Right-wing extremists tricked by ‘Trojan’ T-shirts

(Thanks, Cyrus!)

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