Outside Lands 2011: Write a limerick, win tickets!

Outside Lands 2011 Lineup Video

UPDATE: The contest is over. Congrats to the winners!

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My favorite San Francisco summer music festival, Outside Lands, is just around the corner! On August 12 to 14, a stellar lineup of more than 60 bands will descend upon Golden Gate Park, including the likes of MGMT, The Shins, New Orleans Klezmer Allstars, The Black Keys, The Roots, Phish, The Greyboy Allstars, OK Go, Vetiver, Arcade Fire, The Decemberists, Erykah Badu, I could go on and on. And on. Wanna go? Our pals at Outside Lands have gifted us with two pairs of 3-day tickets to give away to some witty BB readers. This shall be a contest of words! Your challenge is to come up with a limerick (5 lines, "aabba" rhyming scheme) about why you want to go to the festival. Post your limerick in the comments below before noon PT tomorrow, Wednesday, August 3. We'll pick our two favorites and announce the winners on Friday, August 5! For inspiration:

The limerick* packs laughs anatomical
In space that is quite economical,
    But the good ones I've seen
    So seldom are clean,
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.

*(pronounced "lim'rick" to preserve meter)

Outside Lands