Live webchat about energy, past and future, tomorrow afternoon
The way we use and make energy is going to change, one way or another. Tomorrow afternoon, you can join me, along with The Atlantic’s Alexis Madrigal, author of Powering the Dream: The History and Promise of Green Technology

, and Science magazine’s Eli Kintisch, author of Hack the Planet: Science’s Best Hope – or Worst Nightmare – for Averting Climate Catastrophe
, for a live web chat as we talk about how Americans created the energy systems we live with today, and how we might build better ones for the future. “Green Energy’s Forgotten Past, Uncertain Future” starts at 3:00 Eastern on ScienceLive. We’ll be taking questions from the audience and talking about our respective books, including my upcoming book “Before the Lights Go Out: Conquering the Energy Crisis Before it Conquers Us,” which is due out next March.