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"No Endorsement" — aligning the interests of creators and fans

My latest Locus column, “No Endorsement,” talks about how print-on-demand, 3D printers, and other technologies that make products available when people want them change the economics of fannish activity, fan art, and homemade merchandise. I propose a “”No Endorsement” badge that fans could use that indicates, “The creator of the work from which is this derived hasn’t reviewed or approved this; but s/he is still getting a piece of the action.”

Here’s how that could work: tens, hundreds or thousands of fans with interesting ideas for commercially adapting my works could create as many products as they could imagine and offer them for sale through i.Materialise or Shapeways. There’s no cost – apart from time – associated with this step. No one has to guess how many of these products the market will demand and produce and warehouse them in anticipation of demand. Each product bears the ”no endorsement” mark, which tells you, the buyer, that I haven’t reviewed or approved of the product, and if it’s tasteless or stupid or ugly, it’s no reflection of my own ideas. This relieves me of the duty to bless or damn the enthusiastic creations of my fans.

But it also cuts me in for a piece of the action should a fan hit on a win. If your action figure hits the jackpot and generates lots of orders, I get paid, too. At any time, we have the option of renegotiating the deal: ”You’re selling so many of these things, why don’t we knock my take back to ten percent and see if we can’t get more customers in the door?” Setting the initial royalty high creates an incentive to come to me for a better deal for really successful projects.

No Endorsement

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