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Design for Privacy contest: make free software for personal privacy with the ACLU, TOR and IPC!

Jacob Appelbaum sez,

We’re looking for a few good Boing Boing’ers to submit privacy preserving applications in a joint Tor/ACLU/IPC contest. The “Develop for Privacy Challenge” is a call for free software hackers to submit privacy enhancing technology applications and win an award.

We live in a world of smartphones and other mobile devices that provide amazing services. But these same devices can also collect and share vast amounts of data that can paint a detailed picture about where we go, who we know, what we do and even what we think.

Protecting this critical information is more important than ever. But too many users lack the tools that would enable them to take advantage of new technology without losing control of their personal information.

That’s where you come in. And that’s why we’re launching the Develop for Privacy Challenge.

Your Goal: Develop apps for smartphones or other mobile devices that educate users about mobile privacy and give them the ability to claim or demand greater control of their own personal information.

As one of the judges, I’m looking forward to seeing lots of Boing Boing’ers submissions by May 31st!

Take the Challenge

(Thanks, Jacob!)

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