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Buy the "Bought This Bitcoins Badge With Bitcoins" badge with Bitcoins

John Young, co creator of Nerd Merit Badges, says:

Like many other happy mutants, we over at Nerd Merit Badges have been reading about Bitcoins with interest. (“It’s like the gold standard, man, except instead of gold, it’s math. MATH!”) And of course we wanted to participate in a way that fully embodies the unique qualities and special attributes of this self-referential P2P currency.

We’ve made a badge that can only be purchased with Bitcoins, so the act of displaying it proves you’ve participated in the Bitcoin economy. We call it the “Bought This Bitcoins Badge With Bitcoins” badge.

Naturally, you can buy the Bought this Bitcoins Badge With Bitcoins badge with bitcoins, and only with bitcoins. So that when someone asks you “Sure, bitcoins sound neat, but what can you, er… BUY… with them?” you can proudly tap your badge, take a deep breath, and tell them.

This kind of recursive internet jackassery is _exactly_ why Randy and I started making Nerd Merit Badges in the first place. We’re very excited about it!

Buy the “Bought This Bitcoins Badge With Bitcoins” badge with Bitcoins

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