Boing Boing Staging

Randy Regier's toy sculpture: "Fast Asleep"


I’m always happy to find out that artist Randy Regier has created a new work. This one is called “Fast Asleep.”

More photos after the jump.

My uncle Doug once told me that Jackson Browne’s 1974 album “The Pretender” saved his life. Maybe mine too, I can’t say but I can’t imagine my life without it. In particular, when I listen to the song “The Pretender” I just sort of fall deeply into a waking dream where all the lyrics take physical form in my mind’s eye. This piece, “Fast Asleep”, is as close as I can get to materializing two of the lines:

Caught between the longing for love

And the struggle for the legal tender

Where the sirens sing and the Church bells ring

And the junk man pounds his fender

Where the veterans dream of the fight

Fast asleep at the traffic light

And the children solemnly wait

For the ice-cream vendor…

Dimensions for car 17″ L x 7″ W x 8″ H, mixed media, steel, cast plastic, aluminum and automotive finish. Traffic light: 13″ H x 2″ x 2″, mixed media, plastic, aluminum, automotive finish.

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