Boing Boing Staging

Lebanese '90s television emulator:


Watch it: It’s like Nam Jun Paik on vacation in Beirut after dropping acid with a falafel chaser. Created by Nadim Kobeissi, aka @kaepora. He tells Boing Boing how the project came about, below.

Nadim says:

I grew up in Lebanon and didn’t move to Montreal until I was 18. I had
very strong memories of how Television in Lebanon was during my
childhood in the 90’s, and made as a project to emulate
those memories as accurately as possible.

I spent days looking through YouTube/obscure Arabic websites for the
footage, which is highly nostalgic Lebanese ads, political videos,
cartoons that were popular in Lebanon during my childhood, etc.
I’ve sent it to Lebanese friends – many got tears of nostalgia.

Some facts:

* “Telfezion” is how television is referred to in Lebanese Arabic
* Contains almost an hour of footage, adding more every day.
* It uses sessions and a sorting algorithm to queue the footage randomly
but with proper spacing

I plan to find and add more news/political footage, as Lebanon was only
beginning to emerge from a highly political 25-year civil war in the 90’s.

My motive for making this site is just that it’s so much fun. All my
Lebanese friends recognize how valuable it is – it’s so weird for them
see the Internet mirror intimate and highly relevant childhood memories
and I love working on that.

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