Boing Boing Staging

Dan Bull's Stupid Injunction: rap about the UK's sexy, censoring super injunctions

Copyfighting rapper Dan Bull’s latest track is “Stupid Injunction,” a song inspired by the UK’s “super injunctions,” a process by which wealthy individuals and large companies can get court orders forbidding the disclosure of embarrassing facts about their lives, and forbidding any mention of the injunction’s existence at all. The InjunctionSuper Twitter account purports to publish details of the Super Injunctions, most of which involve affairs, exotic sexual activities with prostitutes and sexual harrassment.

The new Bull song coincides with his latest business model: commissioned songs. He writes, “I was thinking about how musicians made money before the record industry came about, and with that in mind I’ve gone back to the patronage days of old and put myself on eBay. The opening bid was 1p and it’s risen phenomenally over the past couple of days. More proof that artists don’t need the ‘protection’ of IP law…”

Stupid Injunction (by Dan Bull)

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