In this anonymous Facebook exchange, a young woman proudly shows off her new "VEGAN" inner-lip tattoo to her friends; they offer her a string of congratulations that comes to an abrupt end when one friend points out that black tattoo ink is made from burnt animal bones, and thus the VEGAN in question will forever have an animal product in her mouth (in the comments at Reddit, someone points out that the ink needn't be made from animals, but it usually is, and unless the tattoo-ee knew enough to ask about it, chances are good she got the charred-bone version).
VEGAN tattoo is (probably) made from animal products
- petard
Ring doorbell app packed with third-party trackers
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US insurers, sick of being gouged by Big Pharma, will develop cheap generics
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Republican New York State Assembly leader publishes anti-drunk driving PSA shortly before drunkenly crashing a state-owned car
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Short Post, just one paragraph
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Save 50% on a 1-year subscription to Dashlane's premium password manager
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The Bite Helper removes the itch of a mosquito bite in seconds
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