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Mr 3D Printing Goes to Washington: free conference for Hill rats on Apr 28

Public Knowledge — whose white paper on the law and 3D printing is required reading — is throwing a conference in DC for wonks, policymakers, regulators, staffers and all manner of Hill rat. The event’s on April 28, and it’s free:

On April 28th at 3Dâš¡DC, the 3D printing community will descend on Washington, DC to show policymakers what they are up to. Panels will introduce the 3D printing community to the DC policy community, and explore some of the policy issues that this disruptive technology will implicate. During a demonstration phase, you will be able to see this technology in action first hand, and speak one-on-one with people and companies on the cutting edge. Be the first person in your caucus, at your GS level, or on your adult kickball team to see 3D printing live

3Dâš¡DC: 3D Printing Comes to the Nation’s Capitol | Public Knowledge

(via Makerbot)

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