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Japan Nuclear Crisis: Nancy Grace vs. Science = ZOMGROFL

[Video Link]

I predicted this. But I was joking.

In the clip above: Nancy Grace, my absolute favorite television personality, goes to war with a CNN weatherman over fears that radiation leaked at Fukushima is an imminent mortal threat to people in the continental United States.

The de facto voice of science and reason in this clip is Bernie Rayno, an Accuweather meteorologist. Under barrage by Ms. Grace, he tries to explain there are some 6,000 or so miles between the US and Japan, and that the radioactive particles leaked in Japan pose no immediate danger to America.

Ms. Grace lashes back at this logic with the same tone she typically reserves for murderers, pedophiles and rapists on her show—though, watching the clip again, I wonder if she doesn’t loathe “Japanese radiation” even more.

Science reporter Andrew Revkin of the New York Times laments what a pathetic nadir this represents:

The network claims to be about both “news and views.” I think the word news should be dropped for now.

Once upon a time, my children, CNN had a science and technology desk. I remember fondly those bygone days.

(via @milesobrien)

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