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Flurb 11 is out, with extra Mex-spec-fic-cool

The new issue of Flurb, Rudy Rucker’s magnificent online sf zine, is up. This issue is guest-edited by Eileen Gunn, who has pulled in three excellent Mexican sf writers (their stories are published in both English and Spanish) as well as stories by Leslie What, Chris Nakashima Brown, Charlie Jane Anders, Michael Swanwick and others.

It’s been a joy having Eileen Gunn guest-edit this issue of Flurb. Eileen is consistently pleasant and intelligent–with an edge. I’m excited about the wonderful stories she came up with for #11. Heartfelt thanks to our excellent authors.

Looking ahead, Flurb #12 is scheduled for September, 2011. The issue will once again be edited by Rudy Rucker.

If you want to submit a piece for Flurb #12, send it to Rudy as an .rtf or .doc file attached to an email to his address and please send it only during the time period August 1 – 31, 2011. As always, we’re looking for literary short stories of length one to six thousand words, although occasionally a longer story can be accepted. We want a strong SF or fantasy element, with realistic characters, and a clear story arc. Quirkiness is often a plus.

A Webzine of Astonishing Tales

Issue #11, Spring-Summer, 2011

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