Boing Boing Staging

<em>Time</em>'s appraisal of the first WorldCon

The July 10, 1939 issue of Time featured a condescending and sarcastic look at the first-ever World Science Fiction Convention, sneering at the “pseudo-scientifics” as published in Thrilling Wonder Stories and the 16-20 year old boys who were the “jitterbugs” of the field. The reporter mocks readers’ ambition to “see that the things we read in science fiction become realities.”

They are exceptionally articulate. Most of these magazines have letters columns, in which readers appraise stories. Sample: “Gosh! Wow! Boyoh-boy!, and so forth and so on. Yesiree, yesiree, it’s the greatest in the land and the best that’s on the stand, and I do mean THRILLING WONDER STORIES, and especially that great, magnificent, glorious, most thrilling June issue of the mosta and the besta of science fiction magazines. . . .”

The Press: Amazing! Astounding!

(via IO9)

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