Ripley's Believe It or Not! talent contest

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Ripley's Believe It or Not! Times Square is holding a talent contest for sideshow performers. The prize is a summer gig at their NYC Odditorium or $1,000 cash. Contests must submit a two-minute video displaying their freaky talent, as long as it's "safe." Fortunately, they seem to use a broad definition of "safe." From AOL News:

It's not enough to be a bearded lady or a two-headed man — the judges want a skill to go with that unusual physique.

"Like any sort of pageant, I judge by looks and talent. You've got to have that sideshow body," said (contest judge Buck) Wolf. "If you've got a split tongue and a lizard-like scales all over your body like Erik Sprague, better known as 'Lizardman,' you could be a star. But remember, Lizardman can also put a metal coil up his nose and out his mouth. (And he's also an active member of the BB community! -ed.)"

Guidelines say that contestants must exhibit "safe" talents, but that term encompasses a broad range of stunts. The company has accepted people who've hammered spikes into their noses and dangle weights from their eyelids with fishhooks on previous talent searches.

"Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Times Square 
Wants to See Your Unbelievable Talents" (Ripley's New York)

"Can You Walk on Fire? Swallow Swords? Eat Glass? Ripley's Launches Search for Sideshow Talent" (AOL News)