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Wisconsin capitol bans recording, flags, reading, balloons, chairs, bags, backpacks, photography, etc etc etc

“Populist” Wisconsin governor Scott Walker continues to restrict the freedom of Wisconsinites to seek redress of grievances in their state capitol. The latest “decorum” rules handed down by Walker’s sergeant-at-arms include a ban on signs, silently reading, photography, video or audio recording, bags, backpacks, clapping, cheering, balloons, crockpots, food storage, beds, sleeping bags, musical instruments, flags, chairs, and anything “inconsistent” with closing the building at end of day.

More rules released for State Capitol visitors

(Thanks, Elix, via Submitterator!)

(Image: Madison Wisconsin Protest, Capitol Square [IMG_2782], a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (2.0) image from ontask’s photostream)

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