Sebastian's NSFW LP preview vid

Sebastian has made a video to introduce his first LP. Whole Milk describes it as "like plugging into the Matrix, but instead of the Matrix it's 4chan," but these markers seem too modern; the rapid-fire image delivery is more old-fashioned, like an MTV continuity segment from the early 1990s spliced with Faces of Death and claymation vagina monsters.

As there's nothing to transgress in a web browser beyond the threshold of NSFW, what fun is to be had with a random, unfocused blast of cultural iconography? If the point was to intentionally be seen to try too hard, a genuine possibility in our age of recursive ironies, then maybe he's onto something. But my fingers are BARELY STEEPLED.

That said, it's nice to see Orco still getting work.

(Thanks, Gil Kaufman!)