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Capitol Defense: tower defense game illustrates lobbying pressure on Congress

Nicko from the Sunlight Foundation sez, “This morning, like much of the country, Washingtonians woke up to snow outside their windows. Sure, there wasn’t enough to shut down the Capitol the way that the snowpocalypse did last year, but we decided to celebrate the same way: Snowball fight!

Introducing Capitol Defense, a free, online game that pits you against the special interests and lobbyists spending increasing amounts of money to overcome the puny levels of congressional willpower. And how do you protect your congressional reps? Using snowballs, of course.

“This game was a nice chance for us to see how far we could stretch HTML5 technologies. It may not be the most important thing Sunlight’s ever done, but we think it’s pretty fun. And, of course we’re always eager to find new ways of illustrating just what unbelievably large amounts of special interest money flow through this town.

Play a couple rounds to see just how much different industries spend — and share it with your friends.”

Capitol Defense

(Thanks, Nicko!)

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