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Following the Libyan uprising

The Guardian‘s liveblog of the news coming from Libya is fantastic, in a gripping and sickly horrible way. From the troops and mercenaries massacring demonstrators to the weird, rambling speech of Saif Gadaffi (Muammar’s son) blaming drug addicts and foreigners for his people’s uprising and threatening to murder the whole country to keep it in his family’s hands, it’s all there, with frequent updates. The Younger Gadaffi’s loose grip on reality can be further explored on his moribund Twitter feed (Google translation to English).

There’s also an incredible set of photos of the Libyan uprising on Flickr user Fadhomar’s stream.

Renesys has information on the blocks in Libyan Internet coverage: “Two-thirds of Libyan routes came back to life at 6:01 UTC (8:01 local time), and the remainder were restored nine minutes later. At the moment, spot checks of Libyan domains and traceroutes into affected networks indicate that connectivity has been restored, and Libya is back on the Internet.” (Thanks, @Re6smith!)

10.28am – Libya: On Audioboo, a group called feb17voices is collecting audio recordings from Libyans reporting on what is happening in their country. Here is a transcript from one from Saturday:

My name is Rahma, I am located in Tripoli right now, I am heading out to Fashloom area, they have heard that Fashloom is beginning to protest that … and other suburbs are sort of rioting and protesting anti-government, and because of these riots the cops as we speak are shooting live ammunition and grenades at them. I don’t know … Beaten hard right now but Fashloom, Gergaresh and Zawiya street. These are streets, locations, suburbs, areas in Tripoli.

This is one from Tripoli that was uploaded three hours ago, about protests in Green Square, in the Libyan capital:

The supporters who took over the square, there were like maybe three or four thousand people. The people who came after that, there were like less numbers.

This Tripoli man says Gaddafi “is challenging the masses, but, OK, I think he is going to lose it in a couple of days”.

Libya uprising – live updates (today)

Libya protests – as they happened (Sunday)

(Image: Libya’s new flag, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) image from khalidalbaih’s photostream)

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