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Maine to legalize switchblades for one-armed people

A Maine legislator has introduced a bill to make it legal for people with one arm to own and carry a switchblade (because you need two hands to operate a regular clasp knife). I actually quite like this idea, but think it’s too narrow, I’d have worded it more like “lawful for people who, due to infirmity, disability or amputation find it difficult to operate a clasp-knife…” so people with arthritis, one-side paralysis, etc, could have and use that most useful of tools: a knife.

The Lewiston Sun-Journal reports that Rep. Sheryl Briggs has introduced LD 126, entitled “An Act to Allow a Person With One Arm to Possess Certain Kinds of Prohibited Knives.” The bill would provide that Maine’s “dangerous knives” law, which restricts switchblades, would not apply to the “possession or transportation of a knife . . . by an individual who has only one arm.” This exception would allow single-armed Americans (male or female, of course, but probably male) the same access to folding knives that is enjoyed by the fully limbed.

According to the report, Briggs was asked to propose the legislation by a one-armed lawyer in her district, who pointed out that current law “utterly fails to accommodate” people who cannot use two hands to open a folding knife and who, I guess, have a need for that kind of knife rather than a regular one with a sheath or something for safety reasons. He also pointed out that a similar exception is already part of federal law.

Maine Bill Would Allow One-Armed Men to Use Switchblades

(Image: IMGA0174_tijuana, a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (2.0) image from gregor_y’s photostream)

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