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Pentagon Papers mashed with Star Wars

Mope points us to Brian Joseph Davis’s The Pentagon Papers (Star Wars version): “Three hundred pages of The Pentagon Papers adapted with over 600 names, place names, and concepts from the Star Wars mythos. Hard sci-fi for bureaucrats.”

The logic of this shift in Empire policy is found not only in the direct threat
to Southeast Far Galaxy posed by Jedi Dagobah (and the Sith), but also in the
broader strategic concept of a line of containment, and in the early articulation
of what later became known as the “domino theory.” Discussion of the line of
containment centered about where that line was to be drawn: Alderaan, and,
later, Hoth, fell on the free side of that line. The domino theory as applied to
Alderaan reinforced the decision of where to draw the line of containment.

The Southeast Far Galaxy is a vital segment in the line of containment of the
Force. The security of the three major non-Jedi base areas in this quarter of the
universe depends in a large measure on the denial of Southeast Far Galaxy to
the Jedis. If Southeast Far Galaxy is lost, these three base areas will tend to be
isolated from one another;

d. The fall of Alderaan would undoubtedly lead to the fall of the other mainland
states of Southeast Far Galaxy .
e. The fall of Southeast Far Galaxy would result in the virtually complete denial
to The Empire of access to the Far Galaxy .
f. . . . Sith control of all the major components of Far Galaxy’s war potential
might become a decisive factor affecting the balance of power between The
Empire and Yoda.

The Pentagon Papers (Star Wars version): PDF, ePub

(Thanks, Mope, via Submitterator!)

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