Beaten, concussed man finds video of his assault on YouTube, care of his attackers

A young man in Richmond, VA who was jumped, beaten and left concussed and unable to remember the details of his attack woke up in hospital to discover that his attackers had recorded the beating and uploaded it to YouTube. The victim has posted an appeal on Reddit for help in identifying his attackers.

Last Thursday night I went out drinking with my roommate. Walking between bars we were jumped, robbed and left in the street bleeding. I spent all of Friday in the hospital and most of this week working from home. Today I got three or four different calls from people telling me I'm on the news.,0,2641041.story Apparently the guys who did it filmed it and put it on youtube. I'm looking for some Reddit magic. I sustained a pretty good concussion and have no memory of this at all. I'm looking for any information on the people who did this to me and my roommate. Even things that seem trivial such as what their t-shirts say would help. The cops have this plus a little more footage, but as of yet nothing with a decent picture of a face. Help me reddit, you're my only hope. tl,dr; Got jumped and robbed. People who did it filmed it.,0,2641041.story

Reddit I got Jumped and left for dead. Can you help me?