Boing Boing Staging

PirateBox: anonymous, stand-alone wireless filesharing node

David Darts sez, “I’ve just created a self-contained mobile collaboration and P2P file sharing device called the PirateBox.PirateBox is a self-contained mobile collaboration and P2P file sharing device. Simply turn it on to transform any space into a free and open P2P file sharing network.

Inspired by pirate radio and the free culture movement, PirateBox utilizes Free, Libre and Open Source software (FLOSS) to create mobile wireless file sharing networks where users can anonymously share images, video, audio, documents, and other digital content. PirateBox is designed to be private and secure. No logins are required and no user data is logged. Users remain completely anonymous – the system is purposely not connected to the Internet in order to subvert tracking and preserve user privacy.”


(Thanks, David!)

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