Boing Boing Staging

Eleven years' worth of Boing Boing posts in one file!

(image: number of Boing Boing posts per month by author, click to see larger)

Having very recently celebrated Boing Boing’s eleventh bloggaversary, we’re releasing an update of our previous archival release of Boing Boing posts.

This time, we’re releasing a 120.3MB XML file (38.3MB zip) of 63,999 posts for your parsing pleasure. The whole file is released under a Creative Commons license that allows you to noncommerically remix and distribute it in whole or in part — go crazy!

The first time we released a dump like this, Andy “Waxy” Baio made this breakdown of our blogging activity. More recently, I’ve been toying with this data behind the scenes and finding some interesting things. We want to see what you can do with it!

Happy (belated) Bloggaversary to us, and thanks to all of you for sticking with us for so many years.

[Download the zipped XML file here]

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