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Stross on reasons to be cheerful about the past ten years

Charlie Stross looks back over the last ten years and finds lots to be cheerful about, from working treatments for AIDS to economic growth in the world’s poorest countries, and, of course, growth in computing power with concomitant progress in genomics. He’s even optimistic that we’re seeing the tail end of the war on terror:

Finally? The war on terror seems to be dampening down. While 9/11 was traumatic, for all their chest-beating Al Qaida failed to score a repeat. Even the horrors of the Madrid and London bombings didn’t come close. It turns out that organizing major terrorist atrocities on the scale of 9/11 is hard, and folks with the brains and persistence to do so are more likely to pursue their political ends through conventional channels; what we’re left with are the idiot clown-car brigade trying to set fire to their underpants or blow up their shoes.

I’m sorry to note that most of the good stuff didn’t happen to those of us in the developed world — but the human world is indisputably in better shape overall in 2010 than it was in 2000. And what makes my neighbour happier without damaging me makes my world a better place.

Reasons to be Cheerful

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