Boing Boing Staging

10,000th item posted to the Boing Boing Flickr Pool!

Sometime back in November while surveying our digital acreage, we uncovered a few gems out in the Boing Boing Flickr Pool. We’d post one, and then more would show up and we’d just have to post those too.

Well, the pool has grown considerably since then. The number of users has just about doubled and around eight thousand more photos and videos have been posted. Today we celebrate the 10,000th item added to the Boing Boing Flickr Pool, this lovely photo of Ozarka dials added by user Little Baby Zorak.

We’re always impressed by the incredible quality of the items added to our pool. If you’ve got a great photo or video you want to show off, please don’t hesitate to add it. All that we ask is that you give us your permission to repost it here.

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