Boing Boing Staging

Star Magazine: 1973 glam scene teen mag

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In 1973 Los Angeles, the glam scene was glittering and Rodney Bingenheimer’s English Disco on the Sunset Strip was where it was happening in the US. Looking to cash-in on the foxy/groupie scene, Petersen Publishing launched Star magazine for teenage girls. Writing in CREEM, rock critic Dave Marsh said that Star presented the English Disco girls as “the prototype of the chic teenage female.” Reportedly under pressure from uptight parents, only five issues were printed and copies remain extremely rare. Fortunately, Ryan Richardson is putting all of the issues online in their entirety. Can you dig it? I knew that you could. Check them out at Star 1973(and a bit more Star history at “70s Invasion“). (Thanks, Koshi!)

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