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Family Xmas traditions

Annie sez, “The local newspaper recently did a story about Christmas eve traditions, and lead off with my family’s Christmas Carp. Pictures included.”

Every year for as long as she can remember, Annie Layne’s family has celebrated Christmas Eve with what she considers one of the least appetizing traditions ever — a plate of cold jellied carp with eggs and lemon surrounding the dead fish head.

“We had to eat our jelly fish, then we got our presents,” said Layne, 34, who works at Rosetta Stone. “But I have never eaten this. I can’t bring myself to put it in my mouth.”

Her family’s dish, called a “vigilia,” is part of a traditional Christmas Eve vigil supper in Poland. Layne’s mother grew up in Poland and came to the United States in the 1960s.

Christmas Eve gone wild

(Thanks, Annie!)

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