Boing Boing Staging

Whale sharks in 3D

Whale sharks are truly astounding creatures. Speckled like a fawn, but the size of a bus. Gentle toward humans, but with Sarlaac-like mouths that must strike terror in the hearts of plankton*. They’re completely mesmerizing—all the more so when you’re looking up at them. I enjoyed that experience at the Georgia Aquarium several years ago, while walking through a clear tube that passes through the Aquarium’s largest tank. I’d gotten so engrossed with staring out the tube’s walls, that I forgot to pay attention to what was going on above me. That is, until the light was momentarily blotted out, and I looked up to find myself face-to-belly with a massive whale shark.

This 3D video, filmed at the Georgia Aquarium, doesn’t quite capture that experience. But it’s still pretty amazing—with whale sharks swimming through the frame several times and, at least once, getting right up against the tank wall.

But it is in 3D. So, here’s what you do. Run out during lunch and get some 3D glasses. Then, you can enjoy the whale shark experience as soon as possible. Blorgggg, who both created and Submitterated this video, offers a little more advice for optimal viewing:

It’s made for Red/Left Eye and Blue/Right Eye glasses. Apparently all glasses may not follow that same convention. In that case just flip them upside down if you can. I am not sure about the tilt. It works great for me. Don’t full screen it, it was calibrated to be viewed at about the standard size of a small youtube screen at 720P.

Now, quick. Go! Get you some stupid glasses! The whale sharks are waiting.

*At least, those plankton what have hearts.

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