Boing Boing Staging

Gone Dead Gone, a new CD by SLT

Someone is dragging a shovel and pick/Someone is playing an old blues riff/An old melody from a dead man’s grave/I can feel it baby, feel everything rip

–From “Say Goodbye” off of Gone Dead Done by SLT.

Gone Dead Gone , the new CD released by SLT on Earring Records is the best old school Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds meets Iggy Pop and they get even quirkier-about-dealing-in-bloody-pop-mayhem collection of music by a Rochester N.Y. band since… well, since The Tumors released that secret tribute album to Aileen Wournos back in 1964.

Really though, in a better world and in a time when you actually had top forty singles and CDs worth speaking of — Gone Dead Gone would be the Nirvana-like bust out album for a new subculture of the aging burned and still enraged — Generation F.U. — a small but growing demographic slice of late boomer aliens.

But why should you listen to me? After all, I’ve contributed 3 song lyrics to my old friends from Rochester’s effort.

Yep. For those of you who haven’t stopped reading, the story is… I email an mp3 of “I Should’ve Been A Guru” to Mark Frauenfelder… and what does he do? He emails me back and says, “I like Guru a lot. Why don’t you review the album yourself on Boing Boing?” So now I’ve got to be the fuckin’ Houdini of words and wriggle out of this contretemps — this situation tailor-made for the ever-popular summary dismissal that my words are just hype.

The thing is… these guys actually deserve your attention. So never mind my three quirky topical contributions and let me call your attention to the rest of the work, as described on CD Baby as, “Love, sex, death and the decline of civilization. With a good beat.”

Oh hell. You’re not going to believe a word I say now. So let me try this. To the first five people to email me at and who can tell me honestly that they actually like Nick Cave, Iggy Pop, Tom Waits… and miss The Sopranos — in other words, that you don’t only listen to techno and aren’t easily harmed by music — I’ll send you a selection of 5 songs off of this CD… and you can post your own reviews in comments right here…

Gone Dead Gone on Earring Records (Free download of “I Should’ve Been A Guru”)

Gone Dead Gone on CD Baby | Amazon

Gone Dead Gone is also available on iTunes

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