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FarmVille's secret: making you anxious

In a long and thoughtful interview with Gamasutra, indie game design star Jonathan “Braid” Blow talks about his problem with the design of FarmVille (and similar games) — they’re compelling because they make you anxious, not because they are “fun”:

I still wouldn’t tell people, “Don’t make that game” exactly, I would say, “Think about what you’re making and be careful when you make it and try not to exploit players.” But I mean now that we’ve got FarmVille and stuff like that, I pretty much would say “don’t make that kind of game” because I don’t see much value in it.

It’s only about exploiting the players and yes, people report having fun with that kind of game. You know, certain kinds of hardcore game players don’t find much interest in FarmVille, but a certain large segment of the population does. But then when you look at the design process in that game, it’s not about designing a fun game. It’s not about designing something that’s going to be interesting or a positive experience in any way — it’s actually about designing something that’s a negative experience.

It’s about “How do we make something that looks cute and that projects positivity” — but it actually makes people worry about it when they’re away from the computer and drains attention from their everyday life and brings them back into the game. Which previous genres of game never did. And it’s about, “How do we get players to exploit their friends in a mechanical way in order to progress?” And in that or exploiting their friends, they kind of turn them in to us and then we can monetize their relationships. And that’s all those games are, basically.

And there’s this kind of new way where people are, like Bryan Reynolds working on FrontierVille and stuff, making it supposedly deeper, but that kind of thing has been very token so far. And in fact, I would argue that the audience of that kind of game doesn’t necessarily want a deeper game, or certainly that’s not proven; it’s very speculative.

So I would say don’t make that stuff. If you want to make a Facebook game, there are a lot of very creative things that could be done, but the FarmVille template is not the right one.

Catching Up With Jonathan Blow

(via Super Punch)

(Image: My Farmville Animals, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) image from brownpau’s photostream)

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