Boing Boing Staging

Destroy All Movies!!!: The Complete Guide to Punks on Film special event in LA

This weekend at Cinefamily in LA, a cinematic celebration of the amazing and massive new book Destroy All Movies!!!: The Complete Guide to Punks on Film.  

From teenage ragers to mohawked
post-apocalyptic gutteroids to actual, bona fide punks, this two-day
multi-event mega movie showcase of pure power is a brick in the face of
every film snob and/or high school principal!

The book’s editors, Zack
Carlson and Bryan Connolly, will be on hand to casually guide you
through the garbage-strewn annals of punk celluloid history. Kicking
off the weekend’s schedule is a fantastic clip show featuring ’80s
sitcoms and news broadcasts’ bungling appropriation of punk’s legacy —
climaxing in the riotous ABC Afterschool Special “The Day My Kid Went

The weekend’s hijinx also include Dave Markey’s Super-8 love
letters to the L.A. underground scene The Slog Movie and Desperate Teenage Lovedolls, an ultra-rare midnight screening of the 1980 doc D.O.A. (featuring footage of the Sex Pistols’ ill-fated ‘78 U.S. tour,), the urban menace exploitation classic Class of 1984, and the anthemic girl-power new wave flick Times Square!  

As well, Zack and
Bryan will have books on-hand for purchase/signing — so c’mon down,
pick up a copy, and pogo ‘til you puke!

“DESTROY ALL MOVIES!!!: The Complete Guide To Punks On Film” 2-Day Book Tour Meltdown 11/20 & 11/21

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