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Xeni on Leo Laporte's This Week in Tech, ep. #274: "I'll Take the Frisking"

[Video Link]

Leo Laporte kindly invited me to join a cast of merry men (John C. Dvorak, Brian Brushwood, Owen JJ Stone) on This Week In Tech, and I did. We had lots of fun.

Topics included “Facebook mail, privacy while living in public, Android tablets, person of the year nominees, zoning out on Tetras, IAmTwittercus, and more.” By “more,” they mean Cthulhu and donkey-bonking.

You can watch and/or listen here. Good heavens, the episode has its own Wiki Page. Some fans delivered liquor to the cabin where they tape it, so all of the dudes (save Dvorak) were extra loose and punchy this time. The episode really is full of surprises. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Thanks for inviting me, Leo and TWiT team. And thanks for being so nice to me in the IRC channel, TWiT army.

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