Boing Boing Staging

The Adventures of White-Man: satirical toy puppetry from Paul Zaloom

In the video above, three excerpts from Paul Zaloom‘s new toy theater puppet show, “The Adventures of White-Man.”

Paul Zaloom is a comedic puppeteer, political satirist, filmmaker, and performance artist who lives and works in Los Angeles and tours his work all over the world. Zaloom has written, designed and performed 13 full length solo spectacles, including Fruit of Zaloom, Velvetville, his latest, with Lynn Jeffries, The Adventures of White-Man.

Video Link. I really want to see this live.

Incidentally, Zaloom was “Beakman” on the kids’ science show “Beakman’s World.”

This clip comes to Boing Boing from my friend, filmmaker Sean Meredith. “With painter Sandow Birk, he was my creative partner on Dante’s Inferno and In Smog and Thunder, Sean explains. “He has been a member of Bread and Puppet since the early 1970s. Lord Buckley is one of his big heroes.”

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