Boing Boing Staging

Haiku for people who hate cilantro

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I was pleased to learn that Trader Joe’s has recalled products containing that vile culinary interloper, cilantro. I hope this causes lots of people to fear this noxious, puke-inducing abomination. Maybe it will lead to a worldwide ban.

After hearing the good news, I went over to to see what my comrades had to say. So far, not much, aside from a haiku about it:

Whaat? Cilantro foods

Recalled at my Trader Joe’s!

I knew it could kill.

– Cagey2519  


Some of the other cilantro haiku here are funny:

Egg salad sandwich

One bite – the enemy’s here

Maiming my tastebuds

– Amberlyslavastein    

Guac is delicious

But when scathed with cilantro,

Prepare for your death.

– Spicykim    

Out of cilantro?

No prob that’s what the restroom

Soap dispenser’s for

– Airwavdav

Awful cilantro

You ruined my fajita

Now I have no lunch

– CilantroYuk    

Photo by JB. Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

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