Boing Boing Staging

T-shirts of vintage book covers

 V Vspfiles Photos B-1018-3T

Out of Print sells t-shirts emblazoned with iconic or vintage book covers like Death of a Salesman, Animal Farm, Walden, Moby Dick, Fahrenheit 451, and a slew of others. My two faves are above, from the 1936 first edition of Brave New World and the Corgi UK cover of WSB’s “The Naked Lunch.” For every shirt sold, one book is send to a child in Africa through their charity partner Books For Africa. Out Of Print founder Todd Lawton tells me, “In October 2010, we fully sponsored and sent a 40-foot sea container (560 boxes) of donated text and library books to be distributed to schools and libraries in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.” Shirts are available in men’s, women’s, and kid’s sizes.

Out Of Print clothing

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