Boing Boing Staging

Douchiest rock band ever blocks LA freeway in publicity stunt

This photo by Irfan Khan for the Los Angeles Times documents an incident that took place in Los Angeles yesterday: A band called The Imperial Stars, who describe themselves as a “hard core hip hop band from Orange County,” stopped a truck in the middle of the 101 freeway, jumped out, plugged in their instruments, and performed their latest single, “Traffic Jam 101.” I’ll withhold opinion on their music, but being stuck in traffic behind some publicity-hungry band from OC sure sucks. I hope LAPD makes them perform some really humiliating form of community service, like shining Ernest Borgnine’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame while whistling Justin Bieber songs.

LA Times item here, and longer piece from last night here.

How do you think they should be punished? Your recommendations welcome in the comments. (Update: Ah, the LA Weekly has already collected some doozies.)

Update: The band members have been charged with misdemeanor conspiracy.

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