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A look inside NYC's James A. Farley Post Office

Here’s a rare look at the interiors of New York’s old, magnificent James A. Farley Post Office at 33rd Street & 8th Ave. It’s about to be gutted to turn into part of Penn Station, so much of it is empty, but there are hints, here and there, of its former grandeur.

This floor was once home to the Postal Police!

Though you’d never expect them to need it, this area used to be a jail cell for the Postal Police’s use. You can still see marks from the bars in the floor.

We continued into the old Postal Police offices…

This was the main hallway for the police wing.

One of the neat things about the offices in this wing is that they’re all connected! Literally, a path through all 10 or 12 offices:

OHNY: Exploring The (Nearly!) Empty Post Office Building On 8th Ave

(Thanks, Aaronprimer, via Submitterator!)

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